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artreflex gallery
Apple of my eye
Apple of my eye
Memories of red. 2008

Videowork “Lost Fragments 1-2”


take part in exhibition  "Mirrors" dedicated to the IX International Film Festival named. Andrei Tarkovsky, which  held  in MMOMA (Moscow Museum of Modern Art) at Ermolaevsky Lane

19 December-24January 2016.

program of video art, prepared by curator Antoni Geuza

The project  feature an exhibition of sketches for the films of legendary director Andrei Tarkovsky ("Stalker", "Solaris" Mirror ") from the collection of Nelly Fomina, shots from movies and photos from the shooting, the exhibition Timothy Kolesnikova" Reflections ", which  connect the past and the present in a series of photographs taken at the Film Festival in 2015 and a program of video art, prepared by curator Antoni Geuza

TV chanel Kultura report:


Boy on lyon.jpg
boys on swings.jpg
Third level

.Vika Ilyushkina . In 2001, she graduated from Ilya Re­pin State Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in St. Petersburg; in 2005, she completed the program "New Technologies in Contemporary Art" at the St. Petersburg Art and Culture Foundation, Institute PRO ARTE. From 2009 to 2012, she was a curator at the St. Petersburg branch of National Cen­ter for Contemporary Art. Since 2009, she has been the curator of video pro­grams for MediaArtLab CYLAND The artist creates video both as the author and as the director of an imaginary performance. Her projects are the search for synthesis between contemporary choreography, painting, audio and video. The collaboration with a choreogra­pher became an essential element of her art.



artist talk

artist talk

Lost Fragments 1-2

Lost Fragments 1-2

Not Trendy,Gislaved Konstholl,Sweden

Not Trendy,Gislaved Konstholl,Sweden

Lost fragments performance

Lost fragments performance

lost fragments.part-2

lost fragments.part-2

lost fragments,part-1

lost fragments,part-1

installation with postcards

installation with postcards

"Not trendy" exhibition

"Not trendy" exhibition

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